E-Signature & PDF Company

Enhancing Product Information Architecture through User-Centered Design

August 2023 - September 2024

Role: UX/UI Designer

The project focused on improving the user experience for an E-Signature & PDF company's product information pages. Our goal was to create a more intuitive, accessible, and engaging platform for users to access critical information, such as release notes, product downloads, and technical requirements.



The project aimed to enhance the user experience of a digital product for an E-Signature & PDF company. Our UX team collaborated closely with the client's stakeholders to identify and address key issues related to the product's information pages, including release notes, downloads, and technical requirements.

Problem to solve:

The primary issues were:

  1. Outdated and difficult-to-read release notes.

  2. Complicated editing and updating processes.

  3. Lack of clear structure for product information.

  4. Challenging navigation experience for users.

The outcome

We successfully redesigned the product information architecture, creating a more intuitive and user-friendly experience. Key outcomes included improved navigation, clearer categorization, and enhanced visual design for better readability and usability.

Business Discovery & Problem Framing

In this initial phase, we immersed ourselves in understanding the business context and accurately framing the problem. We began with a thorough competitive analysis, benchmarking, and creating a sitemap of the landing page.

Our team discovered that several concepts were mixed and disorganized. The "Product Info" section, which included "What's New," "Release Notes," and "Product Downloads," was particularly confusing. By analyzing industry landing pages, we identified common patterns and best practices among companies providing PDF services and eSign solutions. This analysis revealed key takeaways, such as the effective use of GIFs, multiple CTAs, and the importance of showcasing company logos and integrations. These insights were instrumental in identifying improvement opportunities for our client's product.

Our primary task was to reorganize and structure the "Product Info" section to make it more intuitive and user-friendly. By doing so, we aimed to simplify navigation and improve the overall user experience.

Design process

Product Definition (MVP) & Proof of Concept Design

In this phase, our focus was on defining the minimum viable product (MVP) and creating proof-of-concept designs.

Leveraging the insights gathered from our research, we developed a proposal for categorizing the information on the product info pages. This proposal was then translated into visual prototypes to evaluate the architectural concept and ensure it aligned with user expectations.

Proposal of the New Information Architecture

The main objective was to provide users with a seamless experience, making it easy for them to access and read the Release Notes, Technical Requirements and the Downloads Center. As a result, the proposal comprises the following three pages:

  • What’s New page: That can feature the marketing version of the Latest release.

  • Downloads and Technical Details: Combine the existing four pages into a single Downloads Center providing clear Technical Requirements.

  • Release Notes page: This page consolidates the Security Updates page and categorize the release notes by Product, Platform and Type of Note.


Consistently involving users in the design process proved essential in developing relevant and effective solutions. By engaging with users at every stage, we were able to understand their needs and pain points, which guided our design decisions and resulted in a product that truly met their expectations.

Regular testing and refinement were key to the success of this project. Through continuous feedback loops and iterative improvements, we ensured that the final product addressed user needs and provided a seamless experience. This approach allowed us to validate our hypotheses and make necessary adjustments promptly.

Simplifying the information architecture and enhancing the visual design significantly improved user comprehension and satisfaction. By making the content more accessible and easier to navigate, we created a more intuitive user experience that facilitated better understanding and engagement with the product.

We evaluated the existing information architecture, content, and UI of the Release Notes and What’s New pages. Our recommendations included organizing Release Notes into distinct categories, using engaging headlines, and implementing a user-specific information structure. This step was crucial in setting the stage for a more organized and user-friendly interface.

UX Research Analysis and Synthesis

This phase involved deep research to gather qualitative data and synthesize insights, providing a solid foundation for the design process.

We conducted comprehensive stakeholder interviews to gather their perspectives and identify pain points. The interviews highlighted several issues, including outdated release notes, complicated editing processes, and challenging navigation experiences. This user-centered approach ensured that we addressed real user concerns.

Proposal of the New Information Architecture - Footer

Recommendations for the Footer

  • Simplify the Product Info category from the footer by condensing it to just three direct links: Release Notes, Downloads Center and What’s New.

  • Include the policies at the bottom of the page alongside the rest of the policies.

Proposal of the New Information Architecture - Release Notes

Several issues were identified in the current navigation and organization of the Release Notes. To enhance the user experience, the following changes were proposed:

  • Change the Title to "Release Notes".

  • Add a Search Bar.

  • Include Filters for Product, Platform, and Type of Note.

  • Categorize Notes as New, Enhancements, Bug Fixes, and Security Updates.

  • Replace Collapsible Items with a Scrollable Format.

  • Include Security Updates in the Release Notes-

Proposal of the New Information Architecture - Downloads and Technical Requirements

The current Downloads page only includes PDF software for Windows, with separate installer pages for different customer types. Additionally, there is a separate section for Technical Requirements, categorized by Windows, macOS & iOS, and Sign services.

The proposal is to consolidate the information from the Downloads and Technical Requirements sections into a unified Downloads Center, so users will know they need to access this page to download, update, and read the technical requirements.

Experience Prototype, Concept Validation & Design Iteration

We developed high-fidelity prototypes to simulate the user experience. These prototypes were used for concept validation through user testing, providing a realistic preview of the final product.

Additional testing sessions were conducted to gather feedback on the prototypes. Insights from these sessions helped refine the design and validate user acceptance, ensuring that the final product would meet user needs and expectations.

Based on user feedback, we made iterative improvements to the prototypes. This process focused on enhancing usability and meeting user needs, ensuring that the final design was both user-friendly and effective

Prototype Refinement

In the final phase, we polished the design and prepared it for implementation, ensuring a seamless transition from design to development.

We made final adjustments to the prototypes, addressing all user feedback. This included improving the information architecture and visual design to provide a seamless user experience.

We collaborated closely with the development team to ensure the design was ready for implementation. This involved creating detailed design specifications and guidelines for the development process, ensuring that the final product would be implemented as intended.

Project Confidentiality

Due to a non-disclosure agreement (NDA), I am unable to share more detailed information about this project. However, I would be delighted to discuss my experiences and the project process further. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about my role and contributions, please feel free to reach out.